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  Oral Programme - GM19 Climatic and human controlled fluvial geomorphology

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Convener: Vandenberghe, J.
Co-Convener: Bridgland, D., Vanacker, V., Govers, G.

Tuesday, 26 April 2005

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 17 (M)

Chairperson: VANDENBERGHE, J. & GOVERS, G.

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8:30 - 8:45
EGU05-A-00366;  GM19-1TU1O-001
Anisimov, O.
Predicting the impact of climate change on river channel patterns in North-European Russia (solicited)

8:45 - 9:00
EGU05-A-06464;  GM19-1TU1O-002
Vandenberghe, J.
Distinctive development in the fluvial cycle at cold-warm-cold transitions: a refinement of theory

9:00 - 9:15
EGU05-A-10783;  GM19-1TU1O-003
Bridgland, D.R.
Climatically controlled river terrace staircases: a worldwide phenomenon.

9:15 - 9:30
EGU05-A-03661;  GM19-1TU1O-004
Gautier, E.; Grivel, S.; Brunstein, D.
The Loire River islands: the fluvial response to the coupled effects of hydrologic and socio-economic change

9:30 - 9:45
EGU05-A-02258;  GM19-1TU1O-005
Rejman, J.; Rodzik, J.; Paluszek, J.
Human Impact on Transformation of Small Loess Catchment

9:45 - 10:00
EGU05-A-01821;  GM19-1TU1O-006
Vanacker, V.; Govers, G.; van Hemelryck, H.; Molina, A.; Kubik, P.; von Blanckenburg, F.
How do Humans Affect Geomorphic Process Rates in Tropical Mountain Areas?

10:00 - 10:15
EGU05-A-07741;  GM19-1TU1O-007
Brooks, A.P.; Cohen, T.J.
Geomorphic changes to rivers in south-eastern Australia since European settlement


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