EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Oral Programme - AS3.02 Aerosol Chemistry and Microphysics (General Session)

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Convener: Kiendler-Scharr, A.
Co-Convener: Coe, H., Mentel, T.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 12 (E2)

Chairperson: ALFARRA, R. AND MENTEL, T.

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13:30 - 14:00
EGU2007-A-04004;  AS3.02-1TU3O-001
Andreae, M O; Dusek, U ; Frank, G P; Garland, R M; Gunthe, S; Pöschl, U; Rose, D; Zhang, Y-H; Zhu, T
Aerosols from tailpipe to countryside – A look at the early part of the life cycle of anthropogenic aerosols (solicited)

14:00 - 14:15
EGU2007-A-01828;  AS3.02-1TU3O-002
Hoffmann, M. R.; Guzman, M. I.; Colussi, A. J.
In situ production of HULIS in atmospheric aerosol from the solar photolysis of small molecular weight dicarbonyls

14:15 - 14:30
EGU2007-A-04102;  AS3.02-1TU3O-003
van Pinxteren, D.; Brüggemann, E.; Herrmann, H.
Field measurements of dicarboxylic acids: Spatial distribution, seasonal trends and influence of air mass origin

14:30 - 14:45
EGU2007-A-05584;  AS3.02-1TU3O-004
Gallagher, M.W.; Bower, K.N.; Martin, C.; Allan, J.; Crosier, J.; Capes, G; Coe, H.; Longley, I.; Nemitz, E.
Measurement of aerosol composition and fluxes in two urban areas.

14:45 - 15:00
EGU2007-A-07717;  AS3.02-1TU3O-005
Pozzoli, L.; Bey, I.; Rast, S.; Schultz, M.; Stier, P.; Feichter, J.
Impact of trace gas-aerosol interactions on the global aerosol distributions in the chemistry-aerosol-climate coupled ECHAM5-HAMMOZ model

15:00 - 15:15
EGU2007-A-01719;  AS3.02-1TU3O-006
Gaie-Levrel, F.; Clainquart, D.; Quisefit, J.-P.; Perrier, S.; Doussin, J.-F.; Schwell, M.
First results on the real-time analysis of laboratory produced SOA, using a new resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionisation aerosol mass spectrometer.


Chairperson: MARSTON, G. AND COE, H.

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15:30 - 16:00
EGU2007-A-04733;  AS3.02-1TU4O-001
Thornton, J. A.; McNeill, V. F.; Wolfe, G. M.; Wood, R.
The fate and effects of organics at atmospheric interfaces (solicited)

16:00 - 16:15
EGU2007-A-00439;  AS3.02-1TU4O-002
Dinar, E. ; Rudich, Y.
Ammonia uptake by organic aerosols and its effect on their water uptake properties

16:15 - 16:30
EGU2007-A-01701;  AS3.02-1TU4O-003
Segal-Rosenheimer, M; Dubowski, Y
Pesticides aging in the atmosphere: heterogeneous reaction of cypermethrin with ozone

16:30 - 16:45
EGU2007-A-02620;  AS3.02-1TU4O-004
Karagulian, F.; rossi, M.J.
Brief overview of the heterogeneous chemistry of N2O5 and NO3 with flame soot from a lean and stoichiometric decane (C10H22) flame

16:45 - 17:00
EGU2007-A-11131;  AS3.02-1TU4O-005
D'Anna, B; Jammoul, A; George, C; Stemmler, K; Fahrni, S; Ammann, M
Photo-induced uptake of ozone onto humic acids film and submicron aerosols

17:00 - 17:15
EGU2007-A-10100;  AS3.02-1TU4O-006
Murphy, S.M.; Sorooshian, A.; Kroll, J.H.; Ng, N.L.; Chhabra, P.; Tong, C.; Surratt, J.D.; Knipping, E.M.; Flagan, R.C.; Seinfeld, J.H.
Secondary aerosol formation from atmospheric reactions of aliphatic amines


Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Lecture Room: Lecture Room 12 (E2)


Select complete timeblock
8:30 - 9:00
EGU2007-A-10900;  AS3.02-1WE1O-001
McFiggans, G.; Aerosol Aging Team
Evolution of the character of multicomponent aerosol and the effects on physico-chemical properties (solicited)

9:00 - 9:15
EGU2007-A-02870;  AS3.02-1WE1O-002
Reid, J.; Mitchem, L.; Buajarern, J.; Butler, J.; Hanford, K.
Characterising the hygroscopic properties of organic/inorganic/aqueous aerosol in single particle measurements

9:15 - 9:30
EGU2007-A-05190;  AS3.02-1WE1O-003
Sjogren, S.; Gysel, M.; Weingartner, E.; Baltensperger, U.; Cubison, M.J.; Coe, H.; Zardini, A.A.; Marcolli, C.; Krieger, U.K.; Peter, T.
Hygroscopic Growth and Water Uptake Kinetics of Two-Phase Aerosol Particles consisting of Ammonium Sulfate, Adipic and Humic Acid Mixtures

9:30 - 9:45
EGU2007-A-10754;  AS3.02-1WE1O-004
Metzger, S.; Lelieveld, J.; Mihalopoulos, N.
How organics affect the aerosol composition and hygroscopic growth – a case study with the new thermodynamic model EQSAM3 based on MINOS results

9:45 - 10:00
EGU2007-A-09497;  AS3.02-1WE1O-005
Mentel, T. F.; JPAC06 - Team
Microphysical properties of SOA from tree emissions

10:00 - 10:15
EGU2007-A-00672;  AS3.02-1WE1O-006
Duplissy, J; Meyer, N; Good, N; Jonsson, A; Metzger, A; Alfarra, M.R; Dommen, J; Gysel, M; Weingartner, E; baltensperger, U
Influence of photooxidation and oligomerisation on the hygroscopicity and volatility of a-pinene SOA


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