7th EMS Annual Meeting / 8th ECAM
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8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
Forecasting the Weather from one day to one year ahead
Meteorology and Society
Special Session
  Oral Programme - AW1 Dynamical Meteorology

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Convener: Fraedrich, K.
Convener(s): Ruti, P., Lunkeit, F.

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Lecture Room: Indico

Chairperson: LUNKEIT, F.

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8:30 - 8:45
Sugimoto, N.; Ishii, K.
Numerical investigation on spontaneous gravity wave radiation from an unsteady jet in a rotating spherical shallow water

8:45 - 9:00
Huebener, H.; Spangehl, T.; Baudoin, A.; Cubasch, U.
Comparing ENSEMBLES models with different resolution of the stratosphere in climate simulations

9:00 - 9:15
de la Cámara, A.; Serrano, E.; Mechoso, C. R.
Winter stratosphere-troposphere system and precipitation over Europe

9:15 - 9:30
Ayarzagüena, B.; Serrano, E.; de la Cámara, A.
Variations in the timing of the stratospheric final warmings and its dynamical effects on spring tropospheric conditions over Europe

9:30 - 9:45
Wang, Y.; Yamazaki, K.; Fujiyoshi, Y.
The Interaction Between Two Separate Propagations of Rossby Waves

9:45 - 10:00
Spengler, T.; Campa, J.; Davies, H. C.
Impacts of forced sub-tropical waves on extra-tropical flow: Theory and Model Simulations

10:00 - 10:15
Campa, J.; Spengler, T.; Davies, H. C.
Mid-latitude response to stationary and non-stationary tropical heating

10:15 - 10:30
Rudeva, I.; Gulev, S.K.
Northern Hemisphere mid latitudinal cyclones: geometry, composites and insights for air-sea interaction


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