Information - HS27 Open session on catchment modelling and process analysis
Event Information |
The session focuses on recent advances in the understanding of surface and near surface hydrological processes from the small headwater scale (1 km2) to meso-scale catchments (1000 km2). Understanding hydrological processes needs a coupled approach based simultaneously on experimentation and modelling. The representativeness of measured variables and parameters and model equations depend on the spatial scale : the local experiment scale (100 cm2 - 1 m2), the hillslope and the elementary catchment scale (0.1 - 5 kmē) which represents the runoff genesis scale, and the catchment scale ( 5 - 1000 km2) which is the water management scale. It depends also on temporal scale: the runoff genesis and flood routing (1 minute - few days), the annual water cycle (year) and the effects of land use change (few years). This session aims to encourage dialogue between practitioners of modelling and monitoring approaches to identify mismatches in spatio-temporal scales and resolution, process understanding, and future research needs. This session welcomes contributions which focus on the following issues :
-Experimental catchment studies of surface water : recent ongoing measurements, new experimental techniques, tracers and hydrology, interdisciplinary measurements, etc.
-Understanding surface and near surface hydrological processes, and process representation in models at the various spatio-temporal scales mentioned above : precipitations, overland flow, surface runoff, overbank flow, flow in the non-saturated and the saturated zone, evapotranspiration, tracers.
-Multidisciplinary approaches and tools in order to couple various hydrological, processes : concepts, models and methodologies borrowed from, or impacting on, cognate fields.
-Modelling strategies across scales: model comparison and ensembles. Spatially distributed approaches from subcatchments to basin scales. Which model is more appropriate for a particular question (distributed vs lumped, process based vs conceptual, etc.)? What relations between catchment properties, and model/parameters concepts?
-Software tools: we solicit also presentations with material available in electronic form. This material may be, for example, demonstrations on micro-computer of software, simulations of hydrological models, animations, graphical images, etc.
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