Information - MPRG11 Mechanics and Fluid Transport in Porous Rocks - Laboratory to Field Scale
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Fluids significantly influence virtually all crustal processes involved in deformation. An improved understanding of physical and mechanical properties of deformed porous rocks is important for investigations of natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), and also for industrial applications, such as the exploration of geothermal, water, gas and petroleum reservoirs, and stability analysis of boreholes and underground storages (nuclear waste, toxic fluids, CO2 storage). In the Earth crust dilatant cracking typically results in brittle faulting and shear localization, whereas compaction in the ductile or cataclastic flow regime may lead either to distributed or localized failure modes. The failure modes and associated microstructural features (appearance of shear bands, compaction bands) significantly affect the permeability of deformed porous rocks changing fluid flow. Recent advances in the field, laboratory, microstructural and theoretical studies have greatly improved our understanding of various aspects of the relation between deformation and fluid flow in the crust. This session will allow participants to present their recent results as well as review current research. The session intends to bring together researchers from different communities, studying fluid transport in the laboratory and in the field, with those using numerical simulations.
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