Information - SSP21 Reconstructing the Cretaceous World: Integration of data from the Boreal, Tethys, deep sea and the continents (co-listed in CL)
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
Ian Jarvis, Carbon-isotope stratigraphy: key to Tethys – Boreal and marine – terrestrial correlation and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction?
Ulrich Heimhofer, The Early Cretaceous evolution of angiosperms – a stratigraphic perspective
Elisabetta Erba, Nannofossil evolution and fluxes as tracers of Cretaceous paleoCO2
Bornemann, A.; Beckmann, B.; Hofmann, P.; Schouten, S.; Sinninghe-Damsté , J.; Wagner, T.; Norris, R.D., Tropical Climate Variability during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum
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