Information - AS1.01 Advances in numerical weather prediction and data assimilation
Event Information |
The symposium welcomes papers on advances in numerical weather prediction and data assimilation, including:
1) Data assimilation systems - progress in the development of data assimilation systems for operational use, research on advanced data assimilation methods such as ensemble Kalman Filtering and 4D-Var;
2) Observations - improved use of conventional data, modelling and impact of new remote sensing data, observation error statistics, network design and experimentation (OSE/OSSE);
3) Models - basic research and new developments in model dynamics, physical parameterizations and numerical methods;
4) Verification and re-analysis activities - verification of model components and operational NWP products against theories and observations, regional and global re-analysis of past observations, diagnosis of data assimilation systems;
5) Ensemble forecasts and predictability - strategies in ensemble construction, model resolution and forecast range related issues, applications to data assimilation.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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