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  Information - SM13 Towards a European Reference Model

Event Information
Reference Earth models are the bread and butter of any seismologist, but there
is surprisingly little consensus on common references in seismological
and research. All this is particularly true for Europe, where the uppermost
mantle structure is very complex on a small lateral scale. Making a reference
Earth model that is accepted by a large community, and is actually used in
seismological practice, is a long process, and involves a lot of people from a
large group of disciplines. The very characteristics that define a 'good'
reference model may be subject of debate, as they are connected to the
applications. The aim of this session is to stimulate this discussion within
the broad European seismological community, and try and make an inventory of
possible ingredients for a European reference Earth model. Any contributions
from earthquake location, analyses of body and surface wave travel times, and
seismic tomography, at various scales, which illustrate the importance,
requirements, and uses of such a reference are welcome. This session is
sponsored by the SPICE Consortium, a Marie Curie Research Training Network.

Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers


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The information contained hereafter has been compiled and uploaded by the Session Organizers via the "Organizer Session Form". The Session Organizers have therefore the sole responsibility that this information is true and accurate at the date of publication, and the conference organizer cannot accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made, and he makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to the material published.

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