Information - SSP20 Epeiric shelves - geochemistry, sedimentology, paleohydrology (co-sponsored by IAS)
Event Information |
Epeiric seas are the vast, often lake-like shallow seas that covered large areas of the continents intermittently in times past. Indeed, the greater preservation potential in cratonic interiors compared to margins means that their strata are the repositories for most of the evidence used to deduce Earth History. But, the record is sporadic and potentially biased sedimentologically and ecologically because they were variably connected to the open ocean. These seas behaved in ways that are still mysterious owing to the lack of modern analogues. Their carbonates, evaporites, shales and sandstones preserve a record of the dynamic response to sedimentary, biotic, oceanographic, paleoclimatic, geochemical and diagenetic processes at various scales. Deciphering this record is a particular and exciting challenge and is the object of this session.
The session will be accompanied by a two-day pre-meeting field trip to Tertiary epeiric sea deposits in the Vienna area, led by Werner Piller (University of Graz). In addition, announcement will be made of a forthcoming Geological Association of Canada special publication on epeiric seas.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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