Information - G9/GD16 Geodynamics and Deformation of Southeast Asia (co-organized by GD) (co-listed in NH &TS)
Event Information |
This session focuses on the tectonics of Southeast Asia caused by the relative motion of the Indian-Australian plate, the Sundaland block, the Eurasian plate, the Philippine sea plate and the Pacific plate. This is a complex deformation zone which includes a wide variety of geodynamic processes. Within the last two years a magnitude 9.3 Earthquake occurred west of Sumatra on December 26, 2004 while a magnitude 8.7 followed on March 28, 2005 near the island of Nias. In addition, numerous smaller earthquakes continuously affect the region. The crustal deformation is recorded by space geodetic observation techniques. Still, Southeast Asia lacks good coverage with continuous GPS observations so that the plate boundary dynamics is not necessarily well understood. This session seeks contributions that involve new observations of crustal motion, but also gravity and sea-level changes in Southeast Asia. We invite papers that are concerned with the tectonic interpretation of observed velocity and strain rate fields in relation with the past evolution including observations of ongoing post-seismic relaxation. We welcome contributions that relate surface kinematics, gravity and sea-level changes to geodynamic processes driving the deformation in the crust, lithosphere and mantle.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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