Information - SSP16/CL45 Climate events recorded in speleothems (co-organized by CL) (co-listed in IG)
Event Information |
Speleothems, or carbonates formed in caves, are becoming increasingly important as paleoenvironmental archives, primarily because they can be precisely and accurately dated from ~500 ka to present using U-series techniques. Several recent studies have shown that speleothems faithfully record orbital and shorter-scale climate variability, primarily reflected by their stable O and C isotopic compositions, as well as by changes in lamina thickness and trace elements. For this session, jointly organized by the Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology and Climate: Past, Present and Future Divisions, we welcome papers that address the question of how climate events such as cold spells, rapid warmings or draughts are recorded in speleothems. We are most interested in contributions that are based on a multiproxy approach and/or try to establish robust links to other climate archives as well as to instrumental records.
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