Information - CL34 Aeolian dust as a player and recorder of environmental change (co-listed in GM & SSP, co-sponsored by IAS)
Event Information |
The formation, transport and deposition of dust is intimately coupled to and indicative of changes in global climate. Records from continental ice sheets, loess, lacustrine, and deep-sea sediments show that the timing of dust deposition and changes in dispersal patterns relate to both long-term and abrupt changes in the global hydrological cycle.
In this session we would like to investigate the potential role of aeolian dust in global environmental change (past, modern, future), address different approaches to study aeolian deposits, and discuss their palaeoclimate significance.
All contributions are welcome, and we especially welcome contributions from the palaeoceanographic community, of those working with dust proxies!
We look forward to receiving your abstract.
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