Information - G5 GPS, Galileo and GLONASS : future geoscience challenges
Event Information |
It is expected that the availability of Galileo, modernized GPS and a
revitalized Glonass will offer many exciting oportunities and challenges
in the field of geosciences in the next decade. The session will adress
this question from the systems and receiver performance point of view
up to the level of future application and projects.
To this end, contributions on the following topics are welcome :
- status of GPS modernization, Galileo and GLONASS
- GNSS interoperability, signal performance and receiver technology
- new algorithms, processing strategies and standards necessary to take
most out of the new signals
- future and innovative science applications like real time geodesy,
use of augmentation systems, formation flying systems, altimetry,
time transfer, troposphere and ionosphere structure,...
In addition, we encourage discussions on the contributions of GNSS to
international geoscience services, organisations and programmes including
but not limited to IGS (products improvement, antenna calibration activity,
working groups,...) and Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)
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