Tectonics and Structural Geology |
Information - MPRG17 Strain localization in rocks (co-listed in TS)
Event Information |
Deformation within the Earth is commonly found to be localized in narrow high strain zones, varying from the scale of rock samples to that of plate boundaries. Much work has been done in recent years on strain localization in rocks, including laboratory experiments, theoretical analysis, numerical modeling, and field studies. This has improved our general understanding of strain localization processes, but many questions remain. To name a few: How do localized shear zones form and survive exhumation? What approach is required to quantitatively evaluate the mechanics of natural high strain zones? How to analyze effects of transient and periodic slip events? How to interpret microstructures in long-lived deformation zones? What about narrowing or widening of shear zones? How to extrapolate from shear zone rheology to the crustal scales? What level of detail to use when including rheology in numerical models of strain localization from microstructure to the scale of the lithosphere?
In this session, we intend to bring together experimentalists, field-oriented earth scientists and numerical modelers, in order to integrate our current knowledge from within various disciplines. Direct communication will help appreciating the benefits and pitfalls of the various results obtained in recent years, and will allow defining the focus for future research.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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