Information - SM7 Testing Current Approaches to Inversion for Earth Structure and Earthquake Sources: Resolution, Robustness and Reliability
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Although inversion techniques are commonly applied to image Earth structure or to investigate the time-space evolution of earthquake ruptures, the reliability of the resulting models is still poorly assessed. Comparisons of global structures or source models inverted using similar data, but different inversion techniques applied by different research teams, often show dissimilarities beyond what a standard resolution analysis would have predicted. There is therefore an urgent need for new approaches to more rigorously assess the quality of inverted models.
For that purpose, blind tests for earthquake-source inversion and Earth structure imaging are currently conducted within the framework of the SPICE Consortium, a Marie Curie Research Training Network. Synthetic data have been generated which are currently inverted by a number of researchers, within and outside the SPICE Consortium. The aim of this session is to gather the results from these blind tests and to stimulate discussion on reliability, robustness and resolution of inverted models in source and structure studies. Moreover, we welcome any contribution from other blind tests experiments, procedures to evaluate the robustness of inverse methods or to quantify similarities and discrepancies between inverted models. We also solicit contributions on innovative inversion schemes for Earth structure or earthquake source properties addressing the multi-scale nature of these problems. This session is sponsored by the SPICE Consortium, a Marie Curie Research Training Network, an FP6 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative.
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