Information - GM24 GEOMATICS applications in GEOMORPHOLOGY: new technologies for the improvement of an "old" science
Event Information |
The availability of new powerful tools, as GPS, Mobile GIS stations, GIS workstations, terrestrial and airborne laser scanners, digital photogrammetry, remote sensing, make it easier to acquire a high amount of quantitative geomorphological data and to easily produce thematic maps. A wide range of new applications is presently possible, ranging from the survey of unmapped areas to the remote control of the evolution of unstable landslides and glaciers in real time.
The application of Geomatics techniques in Geomorphology is a relatively “young” discipline. The experiences carried out during the last few years are showing that there is still much to discover and to develop. An example is provided by the Digital Outcrop Modelling, which enables the 3D definition of the geological and morpho-structural features of rock masses starting from the integration of orthoimages, ground based laser scanner surveys, geophysical investigations and field survey data (classical and/or digital) into a unique environment. Even if a large number of commercial softwares and equipments are presently available, data acquisition and processing strategies still need to be pointed out in order to optimize the management of large amounts of data according to the scale of the problem.
The main topics that could be treated during the proposed session are combinations of the following instrumental/metodological geomatics topics with theoretical approches/practical applications of geomorphology listed below:
- Remote sensing (Multi and Hyperspectral image analysis)
- Digital photogrammetry
- Terrestrial and airborne laser scanner
- Digital Outcrop Modelling
- Geo-thematic mapping
- Geomorphometry
- Evaluation of geomorphic magnitude
- Rate of geomorphic process evaluation
- Natural hazard zonation
- Monitoring of slope stability and glacier dynamics
- Modelling of geomorphic thresholds.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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