Information - US3 The International Polar Year 2007-2008: The Emerging Framework
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
David Carlson, Director, IPY International Programme Office (IPO)
"The Developing Framework of IPY 2007-2008"
Mark Parsons (NSIDC, Boulder), Co-Chair of IPY Data Policy Sub-Committee
"Data Management in the IPY"
Cynan Ellis-Evans, IPY IPO and SALE Steering Committee
"Subglacial Lake Research Plans for the IPY"
Bob Dickson, CEFAS Lowestoft
"An Integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System for IPY"
Hein De Baar (NIOZ, Netherlands)
"Plans for the GEOTRACES-IPY Project"
Alan Heywood (BAS, UK) & Karsten Gohl (AWI, Germany)
"Plates and Gates: Plate Tectonics and Polar Gateways in Earth History - A lead project of IPY 2007-2008"
Harry Beine (CNR, Rome, Italy)
"Ocean-Atmosphere-SeaIce-Snowpack interactions affecting atmospheric biogeochemistry, climate and ecosystems in the Arctic"
Jerry Brown (Woods Hole, USA)
"Permafrost and the International Polar Year"
"ICESTAR research during the IPY"
Andrea Bergamasco (CNR-ISMAR, Venice, Co-Chair of iAnZone)
"Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions (SASSI)"
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