Information - NH6.01 Tsunamis (co-listed in OS)
Event Information |
The session is a unique opportunity for geophysicists, geologists and coastal engineers to discuss together the results of the latest research and views on all the aspects of tsunamis, such as their generation mechanism (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, asteroid impacts...), their propagation, and their consequences and effects. Wellcome will be the contributions on large catastrophic tsunamis of geological (paleotsunamis) and of historical times, as well as studies on recent events, contributions on observational networks, on post-field surveys, on numerical modelling, on measures to assess hazards and risk, and on techniques to prevent and to mitigate the effect of tsunami impact on the natural coastal environment and on the coastal structures and on the efforts to establish systems (local, regional, global) for tsunami early warning.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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