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  Information - GM7 The Bedrock Incision Problem: assumptions and actualities

Event Information
The push to understand evolution of topography in response to tectonic and climatic forcing has been led with some success by bedrock river incision models that fundamentally relate incision to channel gradient and river discharge (i.e. the shear stress or stream power laws). Recent exploration of the merits and limitations of such models has generated much debate concerning their ability to account for aspects such as sediment flux, rock erodibility, and channel morphology in river networks. Many issues remain unresolved including effects of lithologic controls and partial sedimentary cover, knickpoint styles and behaviour, channel width relations to drainage area, and the role of extreme events (e.g. earthquakes/landslides and superfloods) in sediment supply and transport dynamics. This session provides a forum for those engaged in the complexities of the Bedrock Incision Problem at all spatial scales, including field-based and numerical modelling approaches. Contributions investigating debris flow-dominated steep headwater channels are encouraged.
Research difficulties — methodological, analytical or otherwise — often open pathways to new advances; therefore studies in which little seems to have gone ‘right’ are particularly welcome.

Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers


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