7th EMS Annual Meeting / 8th ECAM
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8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
Forecasting the Weather from one day to one year ahead
Meteorology and Society
Special Session
  Information - AW11 Interrelationships between Earth and Space Meteorology

Event Information
The states and evolution of Earth climate and weather are determined by the innumerable degrees of freedom of a complex physical system constituted, in turn, by a set of coupled complex systems subject to physical processes that drive the global states.

For some of these sub-systems the level of scientific understanding allows to confidently quantify the respective roles in concurring to the global state.

Others are less known, as the observed variations cannot apparently account for the observed changes to a significant level, and, to the present knowledge, this requires the existence of relevant amplyfing processes for them to be considered as significant drivers.

Space climate and space weather agents belong to this category and certainly deserve a deep analysis in order to define their role as potential concurrent drivers of the Earth climate and weather.

The aim of this session is to provide the state-of-the-art scenario on the knowledge in this framework and to point out the future perspectives for pointing out possible interrelationships between Earth and Space Meteorology by assessing the level of coupling in the acting physical systems and processes.

Authors are invited to submit abstracts with focus on one ore more of the following topics relevant to space sources of potential Earth weather and climate forcing agents, and to the analysis of their time evolution:

1. Solar electromagnetic emission
2. Solar Wind
3. Solar Cosmic Rays
4. Galactic Cosmic Rays
5. Ultra-High Energy Gamma Ray Bursts

The session will be featuring oral and poster presentations.

Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers
N.A. Krivova, E. Rozanov, K. Scherer, I.G. Usoskin, B. Tinsley, S. Avakyan, J. Veizer

COST Action 724

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The information contained hereafter has been compiled and uploaded by the Session Organizers via the "Organizer Session Form". The Session Organizers have therefore the sole responsibility that this information is true and accurate at the date of publication, and the conference organizer cannot accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made, and he makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to the material published.

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