Information - AS3.02 Reactive halogen compounds in the lower and the free troposphere
Event Information |
Evidence is accumulating that reactive halogen species can have an
important influence on the chemistry of the lower and the free troposphere.
Chlorine atoms react faster with most hydrocarbons than OH does. Inorganic
bromine and iodine may catalytically destroy tropospheric ozone. These
reactions are most obvious in the polar troposphere during the
springtime ozone depletion events. However, there are also indications
for halogen activation in the troposphere outside the polar regions (e.g.
volcanoes, salt lakes and the marine boundary layer). These processes can be
initiated by various mechanisms including release of halides from sea salt
(aerosol, deposits, or sea water) and biogenic emissions of halogenated
organics. We invite contributions in the following areas:
- Model studies: Investigations of the chemical mechanisms leading to
release, transformation and removal of reactive halogen species in the
troposphere. Studies of consequences of the presence of reactive
halogen species in the troposphere.
- Laboratory studies: Determination of gas- and aqueous-phase rate
constants, Henry's law and uptake coefficients, UV/VIS spectra, and other
properties of reactive halogen species.
- Field experiments: Measurements of inorganic (X, XO, HOX, XONO2, ...,
X = Cl, Br, I) and organic (CH3Br, CHBr3, CH3I, RX, ...) reactive
halogen species in the lower troposphere.
Members of the THALOZ project are invited to submit to this session.
However, the session is open for contributions from others as well.
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