Information - ST13 Solar, heliospheric and atmospheric coupling with near-Earth space
Event Information
This session explores the physical mechanisms which causally link
the Earth's weather and climate with space weather and space climate
driven by solar and heliospheric variability. The first section
of this session explores the pathways of energy flow through
the Earth's atmosphere via the global atmospheric electric circuit
and its relation to clouds, thunderstorms, lightning and sprites.
Contributions on energetic particles accelerated within the Earth's
atmosphere by thunderstorm and lightning electric fields and
contributions on particles penetrating the atmosphere from space,
such as cosmic rays, are particularly encouraged. The second section
of this session explores the scientific basis of space weather
variability from extraterrestrial driving forces. Energetic
charged particles and their propagation through interplanetary
space along the geomagnetic field lines down to the Earth's atmosphere
and the impact of solar energetic short wave radiation on the
Earth's atmosphere, such as the radiative energy balance, heat
transfer, momentum transport, and the propagation of waves are
of particular interest. Contributions on the synthesis of
atmospheric and solar terrestrial processes are particularly welcome.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers
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The Session Organizers have therefore the sole responsibility
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