Information - BG6.02 Molecular Geomicrobiology: Linking geochemical processes to community structure, genomic and evolutionary biology (co-sponsored by ISME)
Event Information |
The last two decades have seen a tremendous progress in assessing which microorganisms are out there in the environment using cultivation independent molecular tools. However, we are only beginning to understand what microorganisms actually do in the environment, and how they change the geochemistry of their habitats on a molecular scale.
The general idea of the session is to present the latest results and developments in linking structure, function, and identity of microbial populations involved in geochemically important processes. Moreover, genomic and postgenomic analyses of model organisms now increasingly facilitate to obtain insights into the mechanisms of element cycling. The session aims at an integrative dialogue of molecular scale geochemical and microbiological processes. Contributions in the area of microbial geomicrobiology, especially from a molecular perspective, are welcome, e.g.:
+ Characterization of microbial communities involved in important geochemical processes
+ Detection of active microbes using stable isotope probing of nucleic acids and other biomarkers
+ Metagenomic analysis and environmental proteomics
+ Characterization of molecular mechanisms involved in geochemical cycling
+ Genomics, functional genomics, and molecular biology of element cycling microorganisms: e.g., metal reducers
+ Novel methodological developments for analyzing structure and function relationships
+ Novel microbial pathways and metabolic capacities with geological and geochemical impact
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