7th EMS Annual Meeting / 8th ECAM
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8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
Forecasting the Weather from one day to one year ahead
Meteorology and Society
Special Session
  Information - CL1 Climate change and variability in Europe, including extremes and its societal impacts over the last millennium

Event Information
“Climate variability and change in Europe and its societal impact, in the past, present and in the future”

Climate and its variability, as manifest in changes in its daily to long term means and extremes, is of all times and has an evident societal impact.
In the pre-industrial period variability of the climate was determined by natural factors. Since then and in the future human activity is becoming an factor of increasing importance. Climate will change in the near future and thus also its impact on society.

This session has the focus to assess climate change and variability in Europe, including extremes and its societal impacts over the last millennium.
In particular we invite contributions dealing with:
· Long term regional climate reconstructions and analyses (methods, non-instrumental proxies, early instrumental observations, data-rescue)
· Detection and explanation of 20th century anthropogenic climate change and variability (single and multi element statistical approaches, trends, natural vs anthropogenic causes )
· Studies about extreme and dangerous climate events for use by societal sectors (energy, infrastructure planning, landuse, tourisme, health,.)
· Impacts and adaptation by societal sectors

Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers


General Statement
The information contained hereafter has been compiled and uploaded by the Session Organizers via the "Organizer Session Form". The Session Organizers have therefore the sole responsibility that this information is true and accurate at the date of publication, and the conference organizer cannot accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made, and he makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to the material published.

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