Information - GMPV20/BG5.10 Mineral properties and behaviour: the European Mineral Sciences Initiative (EuroMinScI) open session (including the EMU Research Excellence Medal Lecture) (co-organized by BG) (co-listed in CR, NP, SSP)
Event Information |
Major advances in the use of physics-based experimental techniques (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation, neutron scattering, phonon spectroscopy, laser-ablation based techniques, etc.) and atomistic computer simulation make it possible to study mineral properties and behaviour. In addition, measurements of many minerals properties in situ at extreme conditions of temperature and pressure corresponding to those existing in the earth’s interior are now feasible (e.g., the recent, experimental and theoretical determination of the temperature at the inner core – outer core boundary and the study of the Earth’s core chemistry). The EuroMinScI Programme draws together the experimental and computational activities, and the different experimental techniques, into integrated research projects in this field. It focuses on the atomistic understanding of structures, properties and processes of minerals. This open session will offers in particular an overview of the EuroMinScI programme, which is supported by national funding agencies from 10 European countries from Austria (FWF), Belgium (FWO, FNRS), Czech Republic (CSF), Estonia (ETF), France (CNRS), Germany (DFG), Hungary (MTA), Italy (CNR), Slovakia (SAV), Spain (MEC), Sweden (VR), United Kingdom (NERC), and the European Science Foundation (ESF), thanks to contract ERASCT-2003-980409 of the EC, DG Research.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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