Information - GM9 Monitoring and modelling in periglacial and glacial geomorphology (co-listed in CR & CL)
Event Information |
Improved scientific understanding of periglacial and glacial processes is significant to assess the sensitivity of corresponding geosystems in the context of a changing climate. By the development and application of sophisticated monitoring and modelling techniques, the processes (such as solifluction, rockfall, permafrost creep) and corresponding landforms (such as solifluction lobes, rock glaciers, moraines) are studied on various spatio-temporal scales. Investigating periglacial and glacial processes demands the quantification of process rates, the detection of ground thermal and substrate conditions, the assessment of landform ages, etc. Hence, a great variety of monitoring and modelling techniques is applied in this context.
The knowledge on recent and former distribution and dynamics of processes enables a better understanding of past and present characteristics of cold climate regions. In addition, current changes in sensitive mountain areas or polar regions allow for a cautious assessment of future developments.
Bringing together studies from different polar, sub-polar and mid-latitude regions and comparing process dynamics, landform ages, etc., analogies and specificities within cold climate geomorphology will be exposed.
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