Information - G6 GNSS new capabilities for geosciences
Event Information |
It is expected that the availability of Galileo, modernized GPS and a
revitalized Glonass will offer many exciting opportunities and challenges in
the field of geosciences in the next decade. This session will address this
question and invites scientific contributions:
- From GIOVE experimental feedback including signal performance, laser
and radio-electric tracking
- That cover the broad area of innovative or improved applications and
technique such as - but not restricted to - high precision Real-Time Kinematic
(RTK) and Precise Point Positioning (PPP), Three-carrier Ambiguity Resolution
(TCAR), altimetry from reflected signals
- From new GPS L2C signal analysis
- From Galileo Geodetic Service Provider (GGSP) activities
- Dealing with time metrology like time transfer, on-board clock technology,
Galileo Time Service Provider (GTSP) activities
In addition, we encourage discussions on the contributions of GNSS to
international geosciences services, organizations and programmes including but
not limited to IGS (products improvement, antenna calibration activity, working
groups...) and especially to the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS).
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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