7th EMS Annual Meeting / 8th ECAM
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8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
Forecasting the Weather from one day to one year ahead
Meteorology and Society
Special Session
  Information - AW1 Dynamical Meteorology

Event Information
The goal of this session is to provide a space for discussing the physical
processes underlying the atmospheric dynamics, and for analyzing their relevance
in the climatic and forecast contexts. We invite contributions comprising
conceptual studies, modelling or diagnostics. Emphasis will be on dynamical
processes underlying the general circulation of the atmosphere, dynamical
interactions (such as wave-mean flow, stratosphere-troposphere), predictability
and long range forecast.

Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers


General Statement
The information contained hereafter has been compiled and uploaded by the Session Organizers via the "Organizer Session Form". The Session Organizers have therefore the sole responsibility that this information is true and accurate at the date of publication, and the conference organizer cannot accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made, and he makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to the material published.

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