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  List of Accepted Contributions - GM2 Down from the mountains: quantifying erosion and its forcing

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Kuhlemann, J. ; van der Borg , K.; Danišík , M. ; Frisch, W.
Erosion rates on subalpine paleosurfaces in the western Mediterranean by in-situ 10Be concentrations in granites: implications for surface processes and long-term landscape evolution in Corsica (France)

Kober, F.; Schlunegger, F.; Ivy-Ochs, S.; Wieler, R.; Baur, H.; Kubik, P.W.
Cosmogenic 10Be, 21Ne, and 26Al Reveal Long-Term Denudation Rates Apparently Linked to a Topographically-Controlled Precipitation Threshold

Schneider, H.; Schlunegger, F.; Rieke-Zapp, D.; Schwab, M.; Ordinola, N.; Otero, G.
Landscape response to high-episodic precipitation (ENSOs); Piura area, northern Peru

Schwab, M; Schlunegger, F; Rieke-Zapp, D; Schneider, H
Constant sediment flux despite enhanced landslide activities in the Waldemme drainage basin, Entlebuch area, central Switzerland

Wittmann, H.; von Blanckenburg, F.; Kubik, P.
Catchment-wide erosion rates in the Central Alps of Switzerland from in situ-produced cosmogenic 10Be, and correlation with rock uplift rates: steady state topography?

Duehnforth, M. ; Densmore, A.L.; Ivy-Ochs, S.; Allen, P.A.; Kubik, P.W.
Timing and controls of debris-flow fan deposition and abandonment on alluvial fans in Owens Valley, California

Dunai, T.J.; Gonzalez Lopez, G.A.; Juez-Larre, J.; Carrizo, D.
Oligocene/Miocene age of aridity in the Atacama Desert revealed by exposure dating of erosion sensitive landforms

Otto, J.-C.
Characteristics and volumes of sediment storages in the periglacial zone of the Turtmann valley, Switzerland

RICHARDSON, N.J.; Densmore, A.L.; Li, Y.; Steffen, D.
Constraints on Cenozoic Tectonics and Sedimentation at the eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau based on Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology, Sedimentology and Provenance Analysis.

Wipf, M.; Zeilinger, G.; Seward, D.; Schlunegger, F.
Geomorphic Effects in Western Peru due to Subduction of the Nazca Ridge

Kirstein, LA; Sinclair, H; Stuart, FM
Denudation of the Ladakh Himalayas revealed by low temperature thermochronometry

Foeken, J.; Persano, C.; Stuart, F.; ter Voorde, M.; Cliff, R.
Warping of isotherms underneath topography: Apatite (U-Th)/He results from the Malta tunnel, Tauern Window, Austria

Unravelling the landscape evolution process of sedimentary sand sheets and stony deserts in Australia with in-situ cosmogenic nuclide depth profiles. (withdrawn)

Szekely, B.; Danisik, M.; Kuhlemann, J.; Frisch, W.
The real face of Corsica: evaluation of local slope histograms reveals hidden structural features

Brenning, A.
Inferring denudation rates and rock glacier ages from sediment budget models (Andes of Central Chile)

Zreda, M.; Sarikaya, M.A.; Shomer, S.
Erosion rates of moraine crests from in-situ and atmospheric cosmogenic nuclide accumulation in boulders and matrix

Hebbeln, D.; Lamy, F.; Mohtadi, M.
Tectonic or Climate Control on Mountain Erosion: the Answer might be in the Sea

Juez-Larré, J.; Dunai, T.J.; González, G.; Campos, E.
Quantifying the influence of climate on denudation rates along the Chilean Coastal Cordillera between 20 and 40°S

Gallagher, K.; Stephenson, J.; Brown, R. ; Holmes, C.; Ballester, P.
3D inverse modeling of multiple system thermochronology data (withdrawn)

Schrott, L.
Spatio-temporal variability and quantification of sediment transfer and storage in an Alpine basin

Naylor, M.; Sinclair, H.D.
The emergent natural variability of tectonic forcing on erosional denudation

Ruiz, G.M.H; Dunai, T.J.; Andriessen, P.A.M
Timing and focus of denudation in the southern Peruvian Andes

Krugh, W. C.; Densmore, A. L.; Seward, D.
Application of Low-Temperature Thermochronology in Deciphering the Denudation Pattern of a Linked Normal Fault Array

Brown, R.; Gallagher, K.; Raab, M.; Summerfield, M.
Raising southern Africa: quantifying the erosional response of the African superswell

Robinson, R.A.J; Phillips, W.M.; Spencer, J.Q.; Kubik, P.W.; Strecker, M.R.; Alonso, R.N.
Correlation of basin-scale denudation rates and precipitation increases over the last 200 ka in NW Argentina

Pik, R.; France-Lanord, C.; Carignan, J.
Extreme uplift and erosion rates in eastern Himalayas (Siang-Brahmaputra basin) revealed by detrital (U-Th)/He thermochronology

Stark, C. P.; Guzzetti, F.; Vecer, J.
Some physics of landslide distributions and their consequences for mountain landscapes

Farber, D.; Hancock, G.
Uplift and topography formation in of the Cordillera Blanca, central Peruvian Andes

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