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  List of Accepted Contributions - CL11 Monsoon climates - variability, changes and paleo-perspectives

Please, click Abstract Number to find the corresponding abstract as PDF file; if necessary, download Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 first to open the file. Any abstract may be freely reproduced for non-commercial, scientific purposes; however, the moral right of the author(s) to be identified as the author(s) of such abstracts is asserted.

Chung, P.-H.; Sui, C.-H.; Li, T.
Interannual variability of the summertime western North Pacific subtropical high (withdrawn)

Knopf, B. ; Petoukhov, V.
Implications of the weakening of the Walker circulation for the Indian Monsoon - ENSO relationship

Joly, M.; Voldoire, A.; Royer, J.-F.
West African monsoon teleconnection with ENSO: the response of a coupled AOGCM to various sensitivity experiments

Nanjundiah, R S; Vidyunmala, V; Srinivasan, J
Change in Tropical Biennial Oscillation (TBO) in IPCC AR4 scenarios and its linkage to Indian Summer Monsoon (withdrawn)

Kuhnt, W.; Holbourn, A.; Xu, J.
SE Asian and Australian monsoonal control on Indonesian Throughflow variability

Burke, A.; Stoll, H.; Vance, D.; Arevalos, A.; Shimizu, N.
Glacial/interglacial variations in the range of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone and the resulting changes in paleoproductivity in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea

Redwood, D; Drysdale, R; Goodwin, I; McDonald, J; Hellstrom, J; Hodge, E; Jeffery, M
The use of geochemical properties as climate indicators from a Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) stalagmite

Bentaleb, I.; Martin, C.
Monsoon seasonality inferred from mammal teeth stable isotope records (withdrawn)

Timm, O.; Timmermann, A.; Abe-Ouchi, A.; Saito, F.
Orbital control of Monsoon circulation in an accelerated transient paleoclimate simulation over the last 130,000 years

Ziegler, M.; Lourens, L.J.; Reichart, G.-J.
Impact of dissolution and sedimentation rate changes on the phase estimates of the Asian summer monsoon on Milankovitch timescales

Tjallingii , R.; Claussen, M.; Fohlmeister, J.; Jahn, A.; Stuut, J-B.; Bickert, T.; Röhl, U.
Forcing mechanisms of paleo-hydrological variability in Northwest Africa during the last glacial-interglacial cycle: A comparison of proxy data and model results

Vyazilova, N.
Combined impact of El nino and Indian Ocean Dipole on the Australian summer monsoon

Marzin, C.; Braconnot, P.
Variations of Indian and African summer monsoons at 6 and 9.5 kyr BP

Pohl, B; Richard, Y; Fauchereau, N
Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Southern African summer rainfall

Pohl, B; Duvel, JP; Camberlin, P
Typology of intraseasonal oscillations based on a Local Mode Analysis

Ereno, C. ; Boscolo, R.
CLIVAR - Variability of the American Monsoon Systems (VAMOS) panel

Erenos, C. ; Boscolo, R.
CLIVAR Asian Monsoon activities

Kucharski, F.; Bracco, A.; Yoo, J.H.; Molteni, F.
Low-frequency variability of the Indian Monsoon-ENSO relation and the tropical Atlantic: The 'weakening' of the '80s and '90s

Meynadier, L.; Gourlan, A. T.; Allegre, C. J.
Nd isotopic stratigraphy reveals bimodal glacial-interglacial Himalayan erosion regime

Fleitmann, D.; Burns, S.J.; Mangini, A.; Mudelsee, M.; Kramers, J. ; Matter, A.
Indian monsoon dynamics recorded in stalagmites from Oman and Yemen (Socotra)

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