7th EMS Annual Meeting / 8th ECAM
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8th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM)
Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
Forecasting the Weather from one day to one year ahead
Meteorology and Society
Special Session
  List of Accepted Contributions - FW1 THORPEX - "The dynamics and predictability of high impact weather"

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Nieto, R.; Gimeno, L.; Lorenzo, N.; Trigo, R.; de la Torre, L.
A tri-reanalysis climatology of cut-off low systems occurrence and an exploratory analysis of their predictability using reforecast

Pokrovsky, O
The impact study for the Northern Asia

THORPEX: A Refuge for Research or the Future of Forecasting

Garcia-Moya, J. A.; Callado, A.; Santos, C.; Santos-Muñoz, D.; Simarro, J.
Multimodel Ensemble for Short-Range Predictability

Anthes, R.; Kuo, Y.-H.; Rocken, C.
The COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 mission: Early results for weather prediction and climate

Wernli, H.
Dynamical analysis of 5-day ECMWF forecast busts

Montani, A.; Marsigli, C.; Paccagnella, T.
Five years of operational limited-area ensemble activities at ARPA-SIM: the COSMO-LEPS system

Anwender, D.; Leutbecher, M. ; Jones, S. ; Harr, P.
Extratropical transition in ECMWF ensemble forecasts: case studies and sensitivity experiments

Cardinali, C.; Buizza, R.; Kelly, G.; Thepaut, J.N.; Shapiro, M.
Value of targeting observations

Böttcher, M.; Kenzelmann, P.; Wernli, H.
Diabatic Rossby Waves: Aspects of their Dynamics and Climatology (withdrawn)

Titley (nee Watkin), H.; Swinbank, R.; Hewson, T.
Predicting high-impact weather using medium-range ensemble forecasts

Pradier-Vabre, S.; Caumont, O.; Jaubert, G.; Ducrocq, V.
Impact of radar reflectivity data assimilation on heavy precipitation events forecast

Ducrocq, V.; Drobinski, P.; et, al
HYMEX: an experimental project to improve understanding and forecasting of Mediterranean high-impact weather events

Santos, C.; Callado, A.; García-Moya, J.A.; Santos-Muñoz, D.; Simarro, J.
Performance of INM Short-Range Multi-model Ensemble using high resolution precipitation observations

Hagel, E.
Singular vectors computed with the ALADIN limited area model - preliminary results

Kilpinen, J.
Comparison of the wind speed forecast from global and limited area ensemble prediction systems

Santos-Muñoz, D.; Callado, A.; García-Moya, J.A.; Santos, C.; Simarro, J.
Bayesian Model Averaging of INM-SREPS

Gustafsson, N; Thorsteinsson, S
Statistical balance of moisture variable

Böttcher, M.; Kenzelmann, P.; Wernli, H.
Diabatic Rossby Waves: Aspects of their Dynamics and Climatology

Genovés, A.; Picornell, M.A.; Santos, C.; García-Moya, J.A.; Campins, J.; Jansà, A.
Extratropical cyclones tracker. First approach from the INM-SREPS

Schmidlin, F. J.; Morrison, B.; Baldwin, T.; Moore, P.; Northam, E. T.
High-resolution upper air measurements from Cape Verde during the NASA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses mission (withdrawn)

Gomez, B.; Balseiro, C. F.; Penabad, E.; Perez-Muñuzuri, V.
Improvements on a limited area parameterization ensemble forecasting system. From one to several boundary conditions.

Gan, M. A.; Piva, E.; Rao, V.B.
A climate study of 500-hPa moving troughs in the Southern Hemisphere

Joly, B.; Nuissier, O.; Somot, S.; Ducrocq, V.; Joly, A.
Statistical downscaling of southern France High Precipitating Events synoptic forcing conditions over precipitation patterns in a future climate

Marsigli, C.; Montani, A.; Paccagnella, T.
A multi-boundary model-perturbed limited-area ensemble system for the short-range.

Mahidjiba, A.; Buehner, M.; Zadra, A.; Charron, M.
Excitation of Rossby-wave trains associated with high-impact weather: optimal growth of forecast errors

Montroty, R.; Rabier, F.; Westrelin, S.; Faure, G.
Impact of various observational datasets on the assimilation and forecast of tropical cyclones.

Wernli, H.; Szunyogh, I.
Key topics of current research on predictability and dynamical processes

Hansen, J; Cofino, A; Doyle, C; Majumdar, S
Early and envisioned research uses of the TIGGE data sets

Kristjansson, J. E.; Thorsteinsson, S.; Kolstad, E.
An unusual polar low development in the lee of Greenland

Charron, M.; Li, X.; Pellerin, G.
Comparison of two different lateral boundary and initial condition perturbation strategies for regional ensemble prediction systems

Pellerin, S; Laroche, S; Morneau, J; Tanguay, M; Caron, J-F
Estimation of observation impact on forecast error reduction using the dual formulation of the EC operational 4D-Var (withdrawn)

Kristjansson, J. E.; Shapiro, M.; Petersen, G. N.; Barstad, I.; Olafsson, H.; Johannessen, I. B.; Fore, I.; Moore, K.; Renfrew, I.
The life-cycle of a Greenland lee cyclone observed by aircraft during GFDex

Cai, X.
Relationship Between West Pacific Subtropical High and ENSO and Its Influence on Rainfall Distribution of Rainy Season in Fujian

Gavrilov, M. ; Janjic, Z.; Jovanovic, G.
The sensitivity of a long-range numerical weather forecasting model

Paccagnella, T.
High impact weather Prediction by LAM EPS

Ehrendorfer, M.
Ensemble Prediction - Methods and Large-Scale Implementation

Bougeault, P.
Towards a global interactive forecasting system: The TIGGE project of THORPEX

Wu, C.C.; Chou, K.-H.; Chen, J.-H.; Lin, P.-H.
Targeted Observations of Typhoons in DOTSTAR

Weisman, M.; Wang, W.; Davis, C.
Experiences with realtime explicit convective forecasts with WRF-ARW over the Central US during the 2003-2007 spring and summer seasons

Ruti, P.M.; Afiesimama, E. ; Jones, S.; Lafore, J.-P.; Thorncroft, C.
High impact weather prediction and predictability for the West African Monsoon

Eludoyin, A. O.; Akinbode, O. M.; Okuku, E.
Combating Flood Crisis with Geographic Information System (GIS): An Example from Akure, Southwest Nigeria

Sonechkin, D.
The synchronization phenomena in the actual and forecasted H500 fields

Eludoyin, A. O.; Akinbode, O. M.; Ediang, O. A.
Challenges of River Basin Information System (RBIS) as a Framework for the Assessment and Monitoring of Surface Water in Nigeria

Akinbode, O. M.; Eludoyin, A. O.; Ediang, O. A.
Impact of urbanisation on the some atmospheric variables in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

Callado, A.; García-Moya, J. A.; Santos, C.; Santos-Muñoz, D.; Simarro, J.
An hybrid short-range ensemble prediction system

Massacand, A.
GEOSS - observing, prediction and information systems

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