List of Accepted Contributions - GMPV16 Volcano Processes: Observation and Models (co-listed in NH)
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EGU06-A-00190 Mauri, G.; Saracco, G.; Labazuy, P.; William-Jones, G. Time-scale characterization of the hydrothermal fluid movement of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano during 1992 to march 2005 |
EGU06-A-00308 Pfeffer, M.A.; Langmann, B.; Graf, H.-F. Atmospheric loss rates of Indonesian volcanic emissions: dependency on compound solubility and meteorological conditions |
EGU06-A-00514 Platz, T; Cronin, S; Stewart, R; Smith, I; Foley, S Magma changes during ascent and its impact on eruptive style: a study from Mt. Taranaki andesites, New Zealand |
EGU06-A-00539 Mauri, M; Saracco, S; Labazuy, L; Williams-jones, W-J Time-scale characterization of the hydrothermal fluid movement of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano during 1992 to march 2005. (withdrawn) |
EGU06-A-00606 Peltier, A.; Staudacher, T.; Bachčlery, P. Constraints on sources of pressure and magma flux from displacements data at Piton de La Fournaise during 2003 |
EGU06-A-00760 Fulop, A; Kovacs, M Explosive and non-explosive volcaniclastics related to intermediate lava domes from Oas-Gutai Mts., Romanian Eastern Carpathians |
EGU06-A-01386 Koulakov, I.; Bohm, M.; Asch, G.; Luehr, B.-G.; Manzanares, A. 3D structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Merapi and Lawu volcanoes, Central Java, from local source seismic tomography |
EGU06-A-01939 Behncke, B.; Neri, M.; Pecora, E.; Zanon, V. Lava fountains and growth of cone-and-shield complexes at Mt. Etna (Italy) and Kilauea (Hawai’i): variations on a common theme |
EGU06-A-02898 Hoffmann-Rothe, A.; Ibs-von Seht, M.; Kniess, R.; KrakMon Team, . Monitoring Krakatau Volcano, Indonesia (KrakMon) |
EGU06-A-03095 Wagner, D.; Rabbel, W.; Wittwer, A.; Kopp, H.; Flueh, E. The MERAMEX project- modelling results of Central Java, Indonesia |
EGU06-A-03873 Kervyn, M.; Jacobs, P.; Ernst, G.G.J Scaled experiments on volcanic cone-and-crater assembly, geometry and growth |
EGU06-A-03960 Faber, E.; Teschner, M.; Torres, R.; Silva, B.; Ortega, A.; Poggenburg, J.; Garzón, G. ; Gómez, D. M. Geochemical and geophysical signals in data from fluids in volcanic fumaroles |
EGU06-A-04236 Spieler, O.; Richard, D.; Müller, S.; Küppers, U.; Scheu, B.; Krämers, S. ; Dingwell, D.B. Pyroclastic deposits & experimental fragmentation a joint venture in understanding eruption dynamics |
EGU06-A-04524 Wittwer, A.; Flueh, E.; Kopp, H.; Rabbel, W.; Wagner, D.; Barckhausen, U. Sundaarc subduction zone: new insights of the Central Java part |
EGU06-A-04596 Neuberg, J.W. Volcano seismology in a wider volcanological context |
EGU06-A-04860 Gambino, S.; Guglielmino, F. Deflation by fumaroles at La Fossa (Vulcano Island, Italy) between 1990 and 1996. |
EGU06-A-04890 Reichert, C.; Luehr, B.-G. High risk volcanism at the active margin of the Sunda Arc |
EGU06-A-05072 Martínez-Arévalo, C.; Patanč, D.; Rietbrock, A.; Ibáńez, J. The intrusive process leading to the Mt. Etna 2001 flank eruption: constraints from 3D Qp model |
EGU06-A-05605 Richard, D.; Mueller, S.; Spieler, O.; Kueppers, U.; Scheu, B.; Kremers, S.; Dingwell, D.B. Comparing vesicularity in pyroclastic deposits |
EGU06-A-05735 Bonaccorso, A.; Bonforte, A.; Guglielmino, F.; Palano, M.; Puglisi, G. Composite ground deformation pattern forerunning the 2004-05 Mt. Etna eruption |
EGU06-A-05808 Bonforte, A.; Guglielmino, F.; Palano, M.; Puglisi, G. Ground deformation patterns imaged from joint use of GPS and InSAR data at Mt. Etna volcano during 2001-2003 |
EGU06-A-05852 García-Yeguas, A.; Ibáńez, J. M.; Abella, R.; Almendros, J. Propagation anomalies in azimuth and apparent slowness measured by small aperture seismic arrays at Deception Island volcano |
EGU06-A-05966 Plenefisch, T.; Klinge, K. The stress field of the Sunda Arc subduction zone inferred from earthquake focal mechanisms |
EGU06-A-05979 Mueller, S.; Spieler, O.; Richard, D.; Kueppers, U.; Scheu, B.; Dingwell, D. B. Permeability Measurements on selected Volcanoes of the Ring of Fire: Implications for Fragmentation Behaviour and Pore Texture |
EGU06-A-06457 Graupner, St.; Jentzsch, G.; Reichert, Ch. Parametrization of Tremor Signals at Galeras Volcano, Colombia |
EGU06-A-06592 Gambino, S.; Campisi, O.; Falzone, G.; Ferro, A.; Laudani, G.; Saraceno, B. Tilt measurements at Vulcano Island, Italy. |
EGU06-A-06646 Scheu, B.; Dingwell, D.B. A relationship between fragmentation energy and fragmentation speed: evidence for two mechanisms of magma failure? |
EGU06-A-07347 Gerstenecker, C.; Tiede, C. Modeling gravity changes and three dimensional displacements at Merapi volcano, Indonesia |
EGU06-A-07604 Di Grazia, G.; Ferrari, F.; Patanč, D. Can the magnitude 6.8, Southern Greece, earthquake trigger seismicity at Mt. Etna and cause a perturbation in its plumbing system? |
EGU06-A-07699 Wagner, D.; Wittwer, A.; Rabbel, W.; Kopp, H.; Flueh, E. The MERAMEX amphibious project- overview and first results |
EGU06-A-07708 Jarosch, A. H.; Gudmundsson, M. T.; Högnadottir, Th. Progressive cooling of the subglacial Gjalp hyaloclastite ridge, Iceland: 1996
- 2005 |
EGU06-A-08002 Petronis, M S; O’Driscoll, B; Troll, V R; Geissman, J W Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and paleomagnetic data bearing on magma ascent and emplacement of the Western Granite, Isle of Rum, NW Scotland |
EGU06-A-08146 Richter, G.; Wassermann, J.; Ohrnberger, M.; Zimmer, M.; Ratdomopurbo, A. Analysis of the meteorological impact on monitoring parameters from Merapi volcano |
EGU06-A-08163 Currenti, G.; Del Negro, C.; Fortuna, L.; Ganci, G. Finite element modeling of potential fields induced by pressure sources: the Etna case study. |
EGU06-A-08315 Collombet, M.; Neuberg, J.; Green, D. 2D numerical magma flow modeling and seimological constraints |
EGU06-A-08358 Carbone, D.; Currenti, G.; Del Negro, C.; Ganci, G.; Giudice, S. Insights into the internal dynamics of active volcanoes through joint inversion of deformation and gravity data |
EGU06-A-09262 Hess, K.U.; Cordonnier, B.; Lavallée, Y.; Dingwell, D.B. Experimental confirmation of viscous heating effects in calc-alkaline magmas |
EGU06-A-09377 Bean, C.J.; O'Brien, G.S; Lokmer, I. Numerical simulations of short time scale subsurface fluid motion at volcanoes: what can the resulting seismograms tell us about fluid dynamics? |
EGU06-A-09648 Karátson, D.; Székely, B. Amphitheatre valleys on volcanoes: characterization, evolution, Surface Processes Modelling |
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