Geodynamics and Geochemistry of the Early Earth (co-listed in TS & GMPV)
Poster Presentation
/ Poster Area / 10:30-12:00 / 08:30-10:00 |
The Origins of Melting Anomalies
Poster Presentation
/ Hall A / 13:30-15:00 / 15:30-17:00 |
Dynamics and Thermal Structure of Subduction Zones
Poster Presentation
/ Poster Area / 10:30-12:00 / 08:30-10:00 |
Ice-Mass Fluctuations and the Dynamical Responses of the Solid Earth (co-organized by G)
Poster Presentation
/ Poster Area / 15:30-17:00 / 13:30-15:00 |
Geodynamics, kinematics and crustal tectonics of the African/Arabian/Eurasian collision zone in the eastern Mediterranean/northern Arabian region (co-organized by GD & SM)
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 5 (I) / 13:30-19:00 |
What constraints do earth rotation, shape, and gravity measurements place on the dynamical processes of the solid earth? (co-organized by GD)
Poster Presentation
/ Halls X/Y / 17:30-19:00 |
Ice-Mass Fluctuations and the Dynamical Responses of the Solid Earth (co-organized by G)
Poster Presentation
/ Poster Area / 15:30-17:00 / 13:30-15:00 |
Potential Fields in Geodynamics and Geostatics
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 23 / 13:30-17:00 |
Poster Presentation
/ Poster Area / 10:30-12:00 / 08:30-10:00 |
Cretaceous-Tertiary Plate Kinematics, Continental Breakup and Sea-Floor Spreading History of the Northern North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 23 / 08:30-12:00 |
Advances in GPS and InSAR techniques for geodynamic modelling and analysis of natural hazard (co-organized by G) (co-listed in GD)
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 6 (K) / 13:30-19:00 |
Poster Presentation
/ Halls X/Y / 10:30-12:00 |
Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins - Evolution, Salt- and Fluid Dynamic (co-listed in GD & TS)
Poster Presentation
/ Hall A / 17:30-19:00 |
Time variations in the geomagnetic field (co-listed in GD)
Oral Presentation
/ Lecture Room 34 / 15:30-17:00 |
Poster Presentation
/ Hall A / 10:30-12:00 |