Date: 30 September 2009
Price: €50
The conference dinner of the 9th EMS / 9th ECAM will be held at the manor Domaine de Pressac (2 route clos du Loup, 31180 Castelmaurou) in the north-eastern surroundings of Toulouse.
A bus ride of approximately half an hour from the conference area at Météo France will bring you to this quiet and magnificent place. Busses will leave in front of the entrance gate of Météo France at 18:15.
Only a few dinner tickets are left. Please ask directly at the registration desk on your arrival.
Les Entrées
Salmon carpaccio with dill and smooth lemon cream
Carpaccio de saumon à l'aneth, crème veloutée au citron
Les Plats
Duck steaklet roasted with hazelnut, sweet potato gratin
Magret de canard rôti aux noisettes, Gratin de patate douce
Les Desserts
Bush peach and Sollies figues roasted with vanilla
Pêche de vigne et figues de Solliès rôties à la vanille