Recent advances in weather and climate forecasting and promising future developments

A new climate model now makes it possible to forecast weather and climate on very small time and space scales.

Session AS1.02 presents the basic features and results of the Climate Local Model, CLM/LM 4.0, which is the first joint weather and climate forecast system. CLM/LM 4.0 is the climate version of the Local Model of the German Weather Service. The LM 4.0 will be used for operational weather forecast in Germany and some other countries. The CLM is the community climate model on regional scale used and developed by more than 10 climate research groups. The CLM has been selected for providing regional climate change scenarios 1960-2100 globally calculated with ECHAM5. These scenarios will be available in the autumn of 2006.

The advantage of the LM/CLM model system is the possibility to evaluate time scales from hours to centuries with a spatial resolution of up to 2 km. All physical and even some biological and chemical phenomena important on those space - and time scales are treated dynamically, which has the potential for understanding the phenomena in much more detail than before using a consistent dynamical system.

Session: AS1.02 Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation | >>programme

Participants (not definitive):

Andreas Will
Erich Roeckner or Marco Giorgetta
J.A. Dykema