EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Poster Programme - NH1.05 Propagation of uncertainty in advanced meteo-hydrological forecast systems (co-listed in AS)

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Convener: Alberoni, P.
Co-Convener: Ferraris, L., Bruen, M., Rossa, A.

Author in Attendance:

Thursday, 19 April 2007 10:30 - 12:00
Display Time: Thursday, 19 April 2007 08:00 -
Thursday, 19 April 2007 19:30
Poster Area: Halls X/Y

Chairperson: BRUEN, M.

Select complete timeblock
EGU2007-A-02017;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0509
Reggiani, P; Weerts, AH
Implementation of a Bayesian uncertainty processor for the operational river Rhine flood forecasting system

EGU2007-A-03857;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0510
Kok, K.; Vogelezang, D.
Warning system of extreme precipitation amounts for the Dutch Water Boards

EGU2007-A-03987;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0511
Flowerdew, J; Horsburgh, K; Mylne, K
Ensemble forecasting of tidal surges

EGU2007-A-04327;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0512
Rousset-Régimbeau, F.; Thirel, G.; Martin, E.; Habets, F.
Using Ensemble precipitation forecasts to force hydrological models: results with the ECMWF-EPS and PEARP data

EGU2007-A-04456;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0513
Mascaro, G.; Deidda, R.; Vivoni, E.
Verification of ensemble precipitation fields simulated by downscaling models by means of Rank Histograms.

EGU2007-A-04648;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0514
Sokol, Z.; Rezacova, D.
Impact of assimilation of 3D radar reflectivity into the NWP model with a high horizontal resolution

EGU2007-A-04681;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0515
Jakubiak, B.; Kapala, O.; Linkowska, J.
Single-sample estimation of error covariance parameters in optimal interpolation scheme

EGU2007-A-04684;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0516
Jakubiak, B.; Starosta, K.
Observational error correlation model for radar reflectivity

EGU2007-A-04838;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0517
Diomede, T.; Marsigli, C.; Paccagnella, T.; Selvini, A.; Morgillo, A.
An empirical approach to evaluate the impact on discharge predictions of the spatial uncertainty associated to LAM quantitative precipitation forecasts

EGU2007-A-05561;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0518
Clark, M.; Woods, R.; Ibbitt, R.; Schmidt, J. ; Rupp, D.; Uddstrom, M.
Development of a probabilistic streamflow forecasting system for New Zealand (cancelled)

EGU2007-A-05897;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0519
Georgakakos, K.; Graham, N.
Use of Seasonal Forecast Uncertainty for Improved Decisions

EGU2007-A-06311;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0520
Rossello, L. ; Molini, L.; Parodi, A.; Siccardi, F.
Severe precipitation processes in complex orography: meteorological modelling and comparison of observed and simulated radar data.

EGU2007-A-06491;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0521
Ferraris, L.; von Hardenberg, J.; Metta, S.; Provenzale, A.; Rebora, N.
A stochastic phase-velocity evolution model for ensemble rainfall nowcasting

EGU2007-A-06645;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0522
Szturc, J.; Osrodka, K.; Jurczyk, A.
Concept of dealing with uncertainty in Polish weather radar-based meteorological and hydrological data

EGU2007-A-07499;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0523
Molini, L.; De Sanctis, K. ; Parodi, A.; Ferretti, R.; Marzano, F.S.; Montopoli, M.; Siccardi, F.
Characterization of rainfall C-band radar response and dual-polarized measurement

EGU2007-A-07557;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0524
Kobold, M.; Brilly, M.; Zgonc, A.
Areal rainfall estimation for hydrological modelling and flood forecasting

EGU2007-A-08019;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0525
Reusser, D.E.; Zehe, E.
A new theoretical framework to communicate uncertainties to flood forecasters

EGU2007-A-08082;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0526
Dunne, S; McGrath, R; Lynch, P; Semmler, T; Wang, S; Hanafin, J; Nolan, P
Propagation of calibration uncertainty in a study of the impact of climate change on flood risk.

EGU2007-A-08719;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0527
Ferri, M.; Rossa, A. M.
River brenta catchment defence by controlled flooding: sensitivity study for the to uncertainty in precipitation input

EGU2007-A-10142;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0528
Rabuffetti, D.; Ravazzani, G.; Corbari, C.; Mancini, M.
Evaluation of an Operational Flood-Forecasting Model through Uncertainty Propagation Analysis from QPFs to QDFs and to a regional scale Warning System. The AMPHORE Case Studies.

EGU2007-A-09363;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0529
Trapero, L.; Rigo, T.; Bech, J.; Pineda, N.; Sánchez-Diezma, R.
Analysis of the uncertainty of quantitative precipitation estimates of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia weather radar network

EGU2007-A-09390;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0530
Poli, V.; Alberoni, P.P.
Verification of uncertainty associated to an ensemble nowcasting system

EGU2007-A-09691;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0531
Kahl, B.; Nachtnebel, H.P.
Input and parameter uncertainty in real time hydrological forecasts

EGU2007-A-10274;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0532
Hacker, J
The relationship between PBL winds and scale-dependent uncertainty in land-surface heterogeneity in a mesoscale model

EGU2007-A-10303;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0533
Velasco-Forero, C.; Schröter, K.; Sempere-Torres, D.; Ostrowski, M.
Effects of rainfall – runoff model structure and rainfall spatial model on hydrological flood forecasting

EGU2007-A-10320;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0534
Jaun, S.; Walser, A.; Ahrens, B.; Zappa, M.; Gurtz, J.; Schar, C.
Atmospheric-hydrologic ensemble prediction and interpretation in the upper Rhine catchment

EGU2007-A-10367;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0535
Macor, J.; Schertzer, D.; Lovejoy, S.
Multifractals methods applied to the rain forecasting using radar data

EGU2007-A-10989;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0536
Pujol Reig, L.; Ortiz, E.; Cifres, E.; Garcia Bartual, R.
Errors analysis in real time flow forecasting for 10-days lead time in the Parana river

EGU2007-A-11175;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0537
Tapiador, FJ
Member selection in Ensemble Forecasting

EGU2007-A-11543;  NH1.05-1TH2P-0538
Todini, E.; Coccia, G.; Mazzeti, C.
Reconciling Hydrological Physically Based Models and Data Driven Models in Terms of Predictive Probability.

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