EGU General Assembly 2007
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  Information - NH1.01 Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrometeorology, Water Cycle, and Flood Forecasting (co-listed in AS)

Event Information
The ability to produce accurate predictions for a suite of hydrological variables (soil moisture, stream flows, and flood levels) represents one of the most important goals of present day research efforts in hydrological modeling and land data assimilation systems. The significance of the issue is enhanced by the large number of riparian nations located within flood-prone international river basins with little or none of the in-situ data across geo political boundaries that is needed by Decision Support Systems for issuing early warnings. Precipitation is arguably the most important component of the land-atmospheric system accountable for most of the variability of terrestrial hydrology. It governs the daily life of the planet, and is an important element for monitoring the climatic state of water in the earth stores. Precipitation estimates over large regions are available based on passive microwave observations from earth-orbiting satellite platforms and proxy parameters (cloud-top temperature and cloud particle size) inferred from geo-stationary observations of visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) radiances. The launch of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite in 1997 has marked a new era of precipitation measurement research facilitated by the availability of high quality and resolution space-borne radar/radiometer observations. The improved rainfall estimation from combination of TRMM with other satellite measurements has enhanced satellite rainfall applications in hydro-climate research, climate modeling, weather forecasting, and hydrology. Further advances, especially in the prediction of hydro-meteorological extremes and flash floods, can be achieved with space based observations of precipitation. Contributions are solicited in all areas of precipitation remote sensing and applications. Those include papers on (1) cloud dynamics and microphysical processes, (2) remote sensing rainfall estimation techniques (both from space and ground sensors), (3) ground validation approaches, (4) assimilation of observations into weather forecasting and hydrological models, and (5) hydrological and water cycle applications with special emphasis on the prediction of floods and soil moisture variability. Presentations addressing the issue of uncertainty in precipitation measurement and its propagation in hydrological applications are welcomed.

Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers


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